Aspiring author request for information (2 replies and 1 comment)

7 years ago
RenniePet 7 years ago

And now for something completely different ...

I'm an aspiring author and am writing a thriller based on "the Polish gold train".

The heroes (?) of my book have found the train and the gold. They wish to convert the gold bars into cool hard cash, but are worried about the bars being identifiable, so they are considering smelting and recasting them.

Is this at all feasible? What kind of equipment do they need? I'd like the information in my story to be (somewhat) authentic.

Thanks in advance to anyone who feels like helping out.

7 years ago
Robert 7 years ago
1 like by RenniePet

Consider having them add dopants during melting in order to confound the trail.

7 years ago

Thanks for your comment, and sorry for not having noticed it before. (I don't think I ever received any email notification, and assumed nobody had ever replied.)

Could you maybe be a bit more specific? Thanks.

7 years ago
RenniePet 7 years ago

For what it's worth, here is what it says in the current draft copy of my book:

"Mariusz then purchased an induction melting furnace capable of melting a gold bar (12.5 kg), and 30 graphite molds into which the molten gold could be poured and allowed to cool, becoming new gold bars, the source of which was no longer identifiable. He designed and built an assembly-line automation system so that he could place 30 gold bars in the input hopper and turn the system on and one day later and there would be 30 newly cast gold bars in their graphite molds on the output conveyor belt."

Does that make any sense? Is it at all close to being something realistic?

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