Brittle Bars (1 reply)

5 years ago
aeolson 5 years ago

Having some issues with all of a sudden brittle dore bars from our ILR.    The bars used to run about 95% combined Au/g.   However this has dropped to to around 80% with the new actor being pb. Cu is about 4 ppm

On a typical batch we use 6 to 7 kg of flux.  Our current recipe is:

50% Borax, 22% Silica, 14% soda ash and 14% sodium nitrate.

Suggestions/Comments appreciated.


Todd H
5 years ago
Todd H 5 years ago

What is the source of the Pb?  It is best to try and remove this before the ILR.

I would suggest increasing the oxidizer in the flux and perhaps the silica.  I would test this at a small scale first and play around with the mix.



Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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