Carbon smelting (7 replies)

8 years ago
Mikhail 8 years ago

I need a method of burning carbon and smelting to extract the gold. Can anyone suggest a method? What are the potential losses of metal can be?

8 years ago
Drake 8 years ago

Hi Mikhail

KCA out of Reno Nevada USA have developed the Carbon Converter that has 100% recovery gold furnace system that also captures all the mercury and noxious fumes.  Its a fully  automated module,  I can send more information if you are interesed. 

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

How would a "poor man" do it...

8 years ago
Drake 8 years ago

If your looking for 100% gold recovery and the mercury captured then there are no other options.  Other burning methods result in the the gold being lost in the fly ash generated.  Also the mercury released could be a health hazard to the operator.  The KCA Carbon Converter is the best and only reliable method to utilize your waste carbon.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

OK. Thanks Drake. Great KCA promotion.... What Mikhail (in Moscow) is looking for is something to get started so he can one day afford the Mercedes you are talking-up.  How would a "poor man" do it?  Anyone?

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

Interesting system this KCA thing. Problem I see is the economic cut-off for it. The same goes for many low grade carbon-au recovery set-up. This chart is likely capital and operating cost.

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max skinner
8 years ago
max skinner 8 years ago

Mikhail, what is the assay of your carbon? and how much of it do you have?

7 years ago
Mikhail 7 years ago

Hello dear colleagues, thank you for the comments to my question.
I'm working on a project to extract gold from the dumps of amalgamation. The technology of heap leaching. Gold-bearing solutions are fed to the sorption. Plant capacity is not more than 100 tons / cycle. In the future, we plan to increase the capacity up to 1000 tons / cycle. Carbon in the process is also very small. We are now looking for cheaper carbon, so it is not possible to realize the desorption process.The only option is the burning of coal or a sale of a gold-bearing concentrate. Our facility is located in Nicaragua. For stack 100 tons takes about 50 kg of carbon. The main problem of the presence of mercury, copper and zinc. Another interesting point is that instead of sodium cyanide used their Gold 570. Now I'm working on the problem of large amounts of sulfur and iron in solution. Maybe someone can help deal with these problems? I can send the test results to your email

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