dissolving-gold-and-precipitating-gold with hcl and bleach (1 reply)

5 years ago
indunil 5 years ago

hello friends .

i need a little help here 

I have mixed hcl and bleach with an ore i found near by and it went well in first steps came out nice yellow orange look and filtered out the existing grain out . 

but nothing happens with sodium metabisulfite . i add more then the solution went clear and left with a white precipitate .

so i made another batch and i have no idea with it .

the solution it s so look same as chloauric . then i boiled it  and turns shiny  copper brown when it cools down came back to same shiny yellowish .

can anybody help this out please .


Todd H
4 years ago
Todd H 4 years ago

I am not sure what chemistry you are using here.  Hypochlorite (bleach) will dissolve gold and this gold can be precipitates by the degradation of the gold chloride.

This might help:





Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering http://www.global-resource-eng.com

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