electrolysis of gold (7 replies)

7 years ago
jovanifirebird 7 years ago

hi guys. my question is a small scale process. we desorb gold-cyanide (AuCN)) from a carbon. i am currently trying to decompose gold from cyanide in a 1M of NaOH solution. i use stainless steel as a cathode. battery as a power supply. however the problem comes with anode. i cant have nickel in my area. can you guys inform me on other alternative to nickel. and is it necessary to raise the temperature or should i keep it to 25-30 degree centigrade. thanks.

7 years ago
Jorge 7 years ago
1 like by David

Electrowinning cells with packed bed cathodes can be divided into two groups, those that operate with flow of the electrolyte at a right angle the current flow, and those that operate with parallel solution and current flows. Usually cathodes are of steel wool and anodes of stainless steel. It’s possible for 2 kg of gold to be deposited onto 0.5 kg of steel wool in each cathode compartment before the cell’s current efficiency drops or the cathode becomes blocked by the gold deposit.

The rectangular cell saves space and usually contains at least six cathodes and contains 22-26 ft3 of steel wool.

7 years ago
jovanifirebird 7 years ago
1 like by David

Thanks Jorge. I really appreciate it. i think we choose steel wool as cathode is to increase the surface area and for the gold to easily get collected as a precipitate. but in very small scale, can i have a stainless steel as my cathode and anode. what i mean is, does steel wool have that much effect in gold deposition in that much small scale? thanks again.

7 years ago
Jorge 7 years ago
1 like by David

You can consider a Zadra cell. It is a good option for small scale gold operations. In this case, gold is deposited on cylindrical steel wool cathode, The anode is stainless steel. Steel wool was used in the first electrowinning cells used in gold mining operations, it is a good unit and leaks are not a problem. It is interesting to indicate that as the gold deposition takes place, the available surface area tends to decrease.

7 years ago
jovanifirebird 7 years ago

thanks jorge. i will put that into account

7 years ago
jovanifirebird 7 years ago

hi Jorge. something came up to my mind. do you thing using graphite as both anode and cathode works out? because the solution i have is of concentration 1.8M of NaOH.

7 years ago
Jorge 7 years ago
1 like by David

I would be possible to use a graphite cathode, but you need to select the material and evaluate several designs until get any good result. Steel wool and stainless steel are used because they were tested and evaluated in several designs.

7 years ago
2012hegga 7 years ago

helloo gents anyone has electrowinning cell diagram i need it

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