Elution cycle taking too long to complete - Zaadra (3 replies)

11 months ago
Jomo 11 months ago

Our elution cycle are taking too long to complete. From an average of 15hrs to 24hrs for two last elutions. The parameters have remained the same except that we treating old workings tailings (sands) as plant feed i.e 4-5% caustic, >20000ppm Cn and a flow rate of 150m^3/hr. The elutions pregnant solutions drop well until at 30 ppm where it remains constant. As remedial action cell current was adjusted to 700 Amps from 500.. And no significant improvement was observed, what could be the possible cause?.

Todd H
10 months ago
Todd H 10 months ago

Has your carbon loading into elution changed?

Is your carbon fouled with calcium?

Do you perform an acid wash on the carbon before or after elution?

Is there any copper present in this ore?


Have a look at this other blog that may also assist.



Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering http://www.global-resource-eng.com

10 months ago
Jorge 10 months ago

Many times, the water quality is not considered to determine the performance of the Zadra elution system. It is necessary to indicate that the Zadra circuit can generally accept a low water quality., but sometimes, the quality is too poor and this factor may extend the elution cycle time. Other possible factor to evaluate is the temperature, the control is important, otherwise the elution time is longer than expected.

8 months ago
Jomo 8 months ago

Many thanks to everyone for their input, much appreciated. 

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