Flux selection for silver smelting (1 reply)

8 years ago
Omurvama 8 years ago

Hi all!

I want to smelt an ore with 4 kg/Ton of silver. I have been reading about the process and there are several kind of fluxes can be used. What could you tell me about it? is enough the silver in ore to think in smelting? is the flux selection function of the kind of ore? is there a unique recipe? any advice?

thank you



8 years ago
grant.k.harding 8 years ago

Dear Omar,

 The ore has silver worth about $2,500 per ton, so its not worth direct smelting at that concentration, unless you already have the facilities to smelt it. If that’s the case I would need to know the ore mineralogy to advise a flux. The cost of smelting this quantity of material on first glance does not appear to be economic. If there is no furnace then I would advise against smelting it.

 I would suggest using Merrill Crowe process technology to crush, grind and leach the ore with cyanide and recover a precipitate which could be calcined and smelted

 The big question is how many tons of ore do you have to treat and is it economic to build the plant and recover it

 Regards Grant

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