Getting gold,silver and platinum from black sands (2 replies and 1 comment)

6 years ago
(unknown) 6 years ago

Have been told there are ways to use certain chemicals to help break down black sands, then cook it and kiln it to make a Dore bead. Have sands with gold, silver and platinum but is very fine and is attached in the sand unless it is ground up.  Any help would be great! 

6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago
6 years ago 6 years ago

I've experimented with bio leaching to convert the iron and liberate the gold.  My fire assays have gone from 4 ounces to 36 ounces gold.  Recovery of gold by chemical extraction is 0 ounces before due to the iron.  Recovery on 1Kg of bio treated black sand is underway.


6 years ago

What chemical do you use for the bio leaching process? You can give a call or text if you don't want to post to the world 307-272-9814. Have another guy says Clorox and table salt will pop open and break down the iron, but since you have something that works I would like to try it also.. thanks

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