Gold bearing sulphides (3 replies and 2 comments)

Gold Fox
6 years ago
Gold Fox 6 years ago

What would be the ideal process to recover Gold from sulphides once I have concentrates, I have read that roasting first and second smelting it directly with Chapman flux? it is a non leaching process.

I am looking also for best way to get free gold and sulphide concentrates after grinding raw ore down to 200 mesh

thanks for helping

6 years ago
David 6 years ago


what is the gold content? Any arsenic, antimony? 

When you say "it is a non leaching process" are you trying to say you need a process without leaching?

Gold Fox
6 years ago
Gold Fox 6 years ago

Hello David

Thanks a lot for helping.

there is no arsenic or antimony, it is about prossesing tailings containing very good values, I am talking about 10 to 15 gr/Au per Ton

We will install a circuit with a regrinding ball mill and 3 centrifugal systems to reccover free Gold particles as small as 5 microns, but also we are going to reccover Gold bearing we want to know what is the best method to get Gold from sulphide concentrates not leaching (we want to avoid the use of cianide or mercury)

As far as I investigated there is a solution by roasting sulphides at a certain temperature then using a proper colector Gold can be reccovered by melting.

Any help on this to make more clear and get more insights will be really appreciated.

Best regards


6 years ago

The most advisable form is to treat this material by concentration by flotation:

Pulp 30% solids
80% - 200 mesh
pH 9
AERO 208
AERO 404

When gold is very fine. The gravimetric concentration is very difficult.

Gold Fox
6 years ago

Thanks Renatomerino for your comments, it is very helpful..!

6 years ago
David 6 years ago

I don't know who told you, you'd recover 5 um gold by gravity...

Gold in sulphide - flotation

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