Gold determination by electrode position using graphite carbon electrode or glassy carbon electrode (2 replies)

Paul Morrow
8 years ago
Paul Morrow 8 years ago

We used to analyse Gold by fire assay finished by AAS or gravimetric but as you know the cost in such techniques is very high and the selection of flux may leads to errors specially in low grade (0,2ppm) analysis in my project I’m working on something different doing it by electrochemistry precisely the technique I mentioned In my first discussion. Is there someone doing it already, anything that can help and suggestions...this what the discussion is about?

8 years ago
Hauptsturm 8 years ago

I can write you a procedure to analyze the low grade ore you describe ...but it’s necessary to know your major, minor, and tertiary elements that you are the working with. I personally do not use fire assay. If you have a AA it is fairly easy you have to watch your temperature to get your solution in solution with no nitre used but only HCL and H2O2... no electrolysis this requires a large amount of current.

Paul Morrow
8 years ago
Paul Morrow 8 years ago

I will contact you but the procedures are they using AA or?

Do you understand that the aim is to do it by electrochemical method using one the electrode mentioned earlier, and understand what's beyond the procedures?

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