gold pairing carbon smelting (1 reply and 2 comments)

6 years ago
mohammed_tawfik 6 years ago

i ask about gold pairing carbon 

if i want to get the gold  from the carbon by smelting , do i smelt the carbon directly or their is another method ?


Lets L.
6 years ago
Lets L. 6 years ago

For my samples I always send the pregnant carbon for fire assay (smelting). Yes they burn the pregnant carbon to produce a button. Which is what they send for further analysis.

Please see this link:


6 years ago

Hi Mohammed. Putting carbon in a smelter even up to 2000 degrees will not smelt it, it will simply glow red. You will need to ash the carbon first which needs about 800 degrees and ready supply of oxygen. This depends on the quantity of carbon you need to as. If its just a few grams for assay a small assay cuple in at 800 degrees will suffice, but if you talking kilo's then a flat spread out tray where the carbon can burn off leaving a gold ash which you can then smelt.

6 years ago

so i need a muffled furnace ,
the carbon column is about one tone
you suggest ashing every batch then smelt it

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