Gypsum Calcination (No replies)

keshab Meher
3 years ago
keshab Meher 3 years ago

We want to do the calcination of Gypsum which is received in the form of Lumps and then crushed to the required size, which is in turn calcined and again grinded to get the desired particle size. The finished good is the Calcined Gypsum Powder of required particle size.

Whiteness is one of the critical parameter to achieve in the finished product, which should be 88-95%. My query is that, which is the parameter that impacts the whiteness of the calcined Gypsum.

Is it the composition of Raw Material or is it the process.

If it is the composition of Raw material, which component impacts it by what %age. Below is the components we are evaluating for the input lumps.

Purity, Combined Water, So3, SiO2, CaO, R2O3 (Fe2O3 + Al2O3), Moisture, MgO, Chloride, P2O5, NaCl, Size

Will be really grateful to get some inputs over here


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