Recovery of gold from fine carbon ash (7 replies)

Sachin Prakash
8 years ago
Sachin Prakash 8 years ago

I am looking at a quick and cost effective method to recover the gold in the fine carbon ashes we have. Currently we are trying to use smelting but we want to try some other means of getting the gold. Can I try Mercury in amalgamation and also gravity separation, which is feasible?

8 years ago
Standartenfurer 8 years ago

Amalgamation (mercury) should not even be considered due to the health and environmental risks. Gravity separation might work, but probably with low recovery because the gold is probably pretty fine sized (if you can see the gold it would probably work).

Smelting and leaching are your two best choices.

Sachin Prakash
8 years ago
Sachin Prakash 8 years ago

Okay. But can it be used to get the gold out of the ash?

8 years ago
Standartenfurer 8 years ago

Smelting and leaching have been the recognized methods for recovering gold from ashed carbon. The choice being how much ash! A little smelt, a lot leach.

Sachin Prakash
8 years ago
Sachin Prakash 8 years ago

So we can do both. But I also want to avoid smelting the bulk material because of cost of the reagents, borax.

8 years ago
Ben 8 years ago
1 like by David

Smelt with  sodium carbonate with a little silica this very much cheaper.  How much bulk material do you have?

7 years ago
Keisyakeith03 7 years ago

The best think is use litharge as a flux for ash smelting.

4 years ago
1644 4 years ago

What about acid digestion followed by smelting? 

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