Silver Chloride Smelting (1 reply)

John KK
4 years ago
John KK 4 years ago

Dear All

We ruining CIL plant ,  after stripping we wash the gold mud by nitric acid and then we add HCl to precipitate silver in the solution to form silver Chloride ,since the beginning We have collected about 6 tons silver chloride. We used to smelt only gold but now management wants to smelt sliver . I need help on how to smelt it safely.



Todd H
4 years ago
Todd H 4 years ago

There are a number of ways to do this.  You can convert the silver to metallic form with dilute sulfuric acid and iron fillings.  You can test this in the lab, you add an equal weight of iron (steel wool works fine) to silver and digest in dilute (10% sulfuric acid).  Metallic silver will precipitate.  Filter and refine.  Heating the reaction will speed the results.


Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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