Sliver Chloride Precipitate (6 replies and 1 comment)

John KK
4 years ago
John KK 4 years ago


We have silver chloride precipitate , we want to smelt it.

Is there anyone who have smelted.



Wieslaw Wodecki
4 years ago
Wieslaw Wodecki 4 years ago

Czy przetopienie AgCl (połączone z redukcją) ma na celu otrzymanie metalicznego Ag o wysokiej czystości?



Wieslaw Wodecki
4 years ago
Wieslaw Wodecki 4 years ago

Is AgCl remelting (combined with reduction) aimed at obtaining high purity metallic Ag?

John KK
4 years ago


Our plan is to smelt high purity silver , we have 6 tons of sliver chloride collected since start of the mine.

Wieslaw Wodecki
4 years ago
Wieslaw Wodecki 4 years ago

Czy materiał do przetopienia to zanieczyszczone srebro (Ag), czy chlorek srebra(AgCl)?

Czy była robiona analiza składu?

Jeżeli surowcem jest AgCl to jakie są metaliczne domieszki. 

4 years ago
Almahazimaa 4 years ago

Dears I am new in this forum and I really need your help. I have an old cinema films in which I  bleached the silver with NAOH and H2O . Silver was depleted from the polyester at boiling degree . Later only half of the silver is precipitated after 12 hours without any precipitate agent while the 2nd half remains in the solution with gelatin. I need you experience with my sincere thanks in advance.

Wieslaw Wodecki
4 years ago
Wieslaw Wodecki 4 years ago

1. Zawieszone (bardzo drobne) srebro w żelatynie powinno opadać po podgrzaniu i dodaniu wody.

 2. Po dodaniu dużej ilości ciepłej wody i rozpuszczeniu żelu (zamiana żelu w zol), dodać flokulanta anionowego .

Sprawdzić na próbce dawkowanie aby nie dać go za dużo.


Wieslaw Wodecki
4 years ago
Wieslaw Wodecki 4 years ago
Suspended (very fine) silver in gelatin should fall off when heated and added water.

 2. After adding plenty of warm water and dissolving the gel (turning the gel into sol), add the anionic flocculant.

Check the dosage on the sample so as not to give too much of it.

Good luck.

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