Sulphur grade for pyrite concentrate (3 replies)

4 years ago
Millza79 4 years ago

What is the minimum Sulphur grade that you could sell a pyrite flotation concentrate to a pyrite roster? I would have thought it would have to be at least 45% Sulphur.

4 years ago
David 4 years ago

A pyrite concentrate?  With what in it? Gold? Silver?

4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago
1 like by David

You do realize that pyrite is 53 % sulfur, so a concentrate of 45% sulfur is 85% pyrite concentrate.  A more reasonable concentrate would be 45% pyrite of around 23% sulfur.


4 years ago
afxdes 4 years ago

If the concentrate contains significant quantities of gold (and silver), it does not have to end up at a roaster. A smelter can take it. Payabilities on precious metals may also be higher.

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