Tin concentrate rotary dryer (1 reply and 1 comment)

Jorge Quintanilla
4 years ago
Jorge Quintanilla 4 years ago

Good afternoon everyone. I hope none of you have had problems with covid, please take care. My query is about a rotary dryer for tin concentrate. I am working on an expansion project for the Colquiri mine in Bolivia. In a mine that has a technical audit. The auditors require that the rotary dryer have fans to force air into the combustion box to achieve the desired air dilution in the system. On the other hand, the manufacturers insist that the system does not need forced air because the exhaust fan for the treatment of gases (bag filter) is enough to suck the missing air and that it passes through a window that is in the combustion chamber. They both seem to be right. When is ventilation or forced blowing used and when not?
Jorge Quintanilla

4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago
1 like by David

It many cases with rotary units the main air flow is supplied by the exhaust fan, and that is used to balance the overall thermal efficiency.  At the same time the combustion unit may have a fan for the burner operation, this ensures proper combustion of the fuel and less air pollution from the burner (NOx, CO, etc.).  The burner fan air volume needs to be considered in the overall heat and air balance, but the main air flow is by the exhaust fan. 

Jorge Quintanilla
4 years ago

Thank You very much. You clarified the idea for me.

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