Unusual gold and steel alloy (4 replies and 2 comments)

11 months ago
2square 11 months ago

I was wondering if somebody might be so kind to help me by answering this question-

Is it technically or theoretically possible to create an alloy consisting of 90% pure (24k) gold and 10% steel?
If it were forged in the right conditions, could this combination result in a true alloy?
Or would the mixture end up as a non-homogeneous compound no matter what?

Many thanks for your help.


11 months ago
Mike 11 months ago

Gold an iron alloys are difficult but not impossible to produce usually in the range of 1 to 5% iron.  Aso to gold and steel, it would proboably depend on what steel (as steel is an alloy of iron, carbon and other metals).

11 months ago
2square 11 months ago

Thank you SmartDog for the reply.

I have been trying unsuccessfully to find a Au-Fe phase diagram. Would you happen to have one?

11 months ago
11 months ago
2square 11 months ago

Sorry. I found one.

Thanks for your help

11 months ago
2square 11 months ago

Hi Mr. SmartDog, would you be open for a small consulting job?

11 months ago

Sorry but this is not an area I feel qualified to consult in.

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