Upgrading of tropical Ni laterite ore prior to pyrometallurgical refining (1 reply)

7 years ago
Rudi 7 years ago

Good day fellow mets,

Our group is in the process of building a pilot circuit to optimize methods of upgrading a tropical nickel laterite ore using mechanical means (combination of crushing/scrubbing/screening/classification/attritioning) similar to what was done back then at Ravensthorpe. This is aimed to be a preparatory step prior to a series of pyrometallurgical processes to produce NPI and/or FeNi.

The ore type that were are focusing on is exclusively saprolitic, adding to the challenge.

Any reference to literature and/or the experience of others in this topic would be greatly appreciated. We are specifically interested in:

a) whether this has been properly tested by others and at what scale?

b) what upgrade ratios were achieved (both Ni and Fe)?

Thank you and I look forward to your replies.

Sandeep Bisht
7 years ago
Sandeep Bisht 7 years ago

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