What is the cost of Copper Electrorefining per KG (No replies)

3 years ago
plorenzi 3 years ago

Hydropore is a start-up company that has spun out of the University of Pennsylvania Materials Science and Engineering labs (www.hydropore.com). Our product is nano-porous aluminum which is made using an electrochemical de alloying process. The closest existing industrial process to ours is the electrorefining of copper.  Potential investors are asking what the copper refining process costs. Our research based on information on capital costs, labor, reagent use, electrical energy requirements etc is that it costs approximately USD$1-2 / KG of refined copper.  I appreciate there are a large number of variables including the techniques used and size of facility, but we are looking only for an approximate industry average.  Does this seem a reasonable estimate based on your experiences? Thank you for your assistance. Peter Lorenzi

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