What's the best way to melt gold powder without borax using a torch? (1 reply)

2 years ago
metallurgyfan 2 years ago

Here in the UK, borax does not seem to be available, I have read online that it's banned due to potential health hazards. The youtube videos i've seen all use borax when melting down gold powder. Is there an alternative to borax that I can use in the UK for melting down gold powder and what would happen if I melt it without borax, would it still give a nice bead. Thank you.

2 years ago
Jorge 2 years ago

If a considerable amount of powder has accumulated, it should be mixed with saltpeter in the following proportions, 15-16 ounces of gold powder and 12-14 ounces of saltpeter. The crucible into which the mixture is placed should likewise be filed but half full. On being exposed to a bright red heat, the gold is obtained in a nearly pure condition.

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