Pb Oxide Floatability & Selectivity VS Sulphidizer Usage

The use of a sulphidizer is common in oxide flotation recovery. Na2S (Sodium Sulfide) can help “activate” oxide minerals behave as sulfides.

The tests performed by both vendors showed noticeable technical differences between both reagents.

AM2 constantly requires the use of Na2S as its copper activator while CTC3 does not rely on Na2S.

This dependence on Na2S causes AM2 to float more Pb in its concentrates as Na2S will also activate Pb Oxide minerals if present.  For the average of all its tests, AM2 has recovered 62% of all Pb into the pre-float and Cu concentrate.

CTC3 on the other hand does not rely on Na2S and therefore produces concentrates with less Pb in them for it recovers less of it.  For the average of all its tests, CTC3 has recovered 49% of all Pb into the pre-float and Cu concentrate.

This technical advantage can help meet its Pb limits in its Cu concentrate and produce a more attractive/marketable product.

Why is %Mass Recovery/Pull important

Comparing Hydroxamate Collectors

Copper Oxide Flotation

Flotation of Oxide

Naturally Floating Gold

Flotation Without Sulphidizer

Compare Hydroxamate AM2 Rinkalore CTC3 Oxide Collectors