agglomeration of vat leach ore using cement and lime (1 reply)

7 years ago
McPaul 7 years ago

Hie l am a student in metallurgy and l want to do a project on agglomeration of vat leach ore using cement and lime. can l please have help with experimental procedures that l can use.

7 years ago
David 7 years ago

Here is a study a friend prepared (2 PDFs attached). It may be useful to you. Page 49 of the Thesis.

Experimental Procedure: A plastic drum mixer (cement mixer) that rotates at 20 RPM and with 5 degree inclination was used for agglomeration experiments (Figure 3.5). The particle size distribution of the feed material for agglomerates ranged from 0.5 inch to -200 mesh (Figure 3.6).
The copper ore sample used for agglomeration experiments was from the Zaldivar copper operations in Chile. Table 3.1 shows the copper grade and mineralogy of the ore samples. It is evident that the major mineral component is chalcocite followed by brochantite.

I asked another friend about the why of agglomeration for vat leaching: 

If you think it has a great amount of fines (% minus 200mesh) and that may interfere with the solution permeability or actually conductivity. If the fines are high, greater than 12%, they may cause solution channeling or even ponding as the permeability is reduced and would adversely affect conditions for an efficient solution “sweep” through the solids bed; poor solution:solid contact. Remember; “If you don’t wet it, you don’t get it”

There is a lot of discussion as to what amount of fines (% minus 200 mesh) is acceptable or can be successfully agglomerated, normally this is about 20% if one is agglomerating with sulfuric acid such as in a copper leach. In a gold/silver leach where one is using binders this may be higher.

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